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Item List

A woman holding a microphone facing an audience.

Speak Your Mind With Purpose And Grace

Learn to find your voice.

A woman sitting at a table with one hand on a laptop keyboard and another hand writing with a pencil on pater.

If you fail to plan, you're planning to fail

The importance of planning for your business

A cartoon of a man with a beard with a smirk on his face.

Meet Bruce The Imposter!

And learn what his kryptonite is.

Overcoming Money Blocks

Clear a path to a more profitable business.

A paper napkin with the words "A goal without a plan is just a wish'. A cup of coffee is sitting on the napkin.

Set The Right Goals For Your Business

Leverage the magic of objectives & key results

A woman in business attire looking to the right. Her shadow is a superhero with a cape.

Storytelling For Business

Make your customer the hero in the story.

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Logo for Inflection Point Business with the signature program The Pivotal Path to Inflection Point Solutions

©2022 by Ann Humes 

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